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Hello, nice to meet you...


Thank you very much for visiting my website. How are you doing today? 

If you want to learn more about me, this is the place where all the dots can be connected...


First of all, I recommend you take a look at my LinkedIn profile, where you can read about my professional career so far. This is the place where I share interesting stuff or publish my own thoughts on topics that are close to my heart.


In addition, I also recommend to visit my Instagram and Twitter accounts, where I would consider myself more of an observer than a contributor. In my spare time I love to take photographs. You can find a small selection of shots in my very own gallery. And just for the record, I’d like to mention my Facebook account, which I regularly visit but don’t really maintain because I don’t particularly like Mark Zuckerberg and my two daughters insist that this platform is uncool anyway.


I am always delighted to make new connections. If you want to get in touch, please contact me at this email address.


And by the way, in case you are wondering abut the meaning of «Takumi»: In Japan, a Takumi is a person who possesses a precious blend of craftmanship and spirit. He or she is highly skilled, with meticulous attention to detail and a genuine belief in excellence. I have not reached the status yet, but I continue to work on it every single day.

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